Mac's Chophouse knows great steak. But when it comes to different cuts of steak, it's hard to choose just one. After all, every cut of steak offers a unique set of advantages and disadvantages depending on how it will be prepared. The chefs at our Marietta steakhouse believe there are some steak cuts that are definitely worth the added expense, though.
Today, we're offering our quick guide to types of steak, where we're getting to the meat of the matter to explore the different cuts and what makes each one special.
The most tender and delicate of all the steaks, the filet mignon is cut from the small end of the tenderloin. In many steakhouse kitchens, this is the most expensive and sought-after cut of meat on the cow.
Filet mignon is called the best part of steak options, known for its melt-in-your-mouth texture, making it a star on the menu of any high-end steak house. This steak is often more costly than other steaks because it comes from the most delicate part of the animal and represents a tiny portion of each steer's meat. We recommend ordering this steak medium-rare to medium to fully enjoy the tenderness and flavors.
A barrel cut filet mignon is a thick, hefty steak that's taken from the larger end of the tenderloin. Because the psoas major is a seldom utilized muscle, it provides cuts of meat that are extremely delicate and delicious.
Steaks from the rib eye are often the most marbled cut, offering a filet-like texture with an intense rib-eye flavor. One barrel-cut steak is produced by trimming the most delicate part of the boneless rib eye.
A ribeye is a beefsteak cut from the rib primal. The ribeye has a large amount of marbling and is one of the most flavorful steaks available at your local steakhouse. Delmonico Ribeye is a specific type of ribeye that is cut from the Delmonico roast. This cut is especially tender and juicy, making it one of the more popular types of steak among steak lovers.
New York Strip steaks are cut from the short loin primal. They are a favorite for their tender texture and rich flavor. Beautiful marbling and a balanced fat ratio contribute to the steak's intense flavor, making it a favorite among steak lovers.
New York Strip is one of the most popular steak cuts with a flavorful, bold, beefy taste. One of the reasons it is so popular is because of its excellent bite and solid chew, with a rich marbling and robust mouthfeel that helps create the perfect eating experience.
A bone-in ribeye is a decadent beef steak cut from the rib primal. The bone-in ribeye has a large amount of marbling and offers an outstanding amount of flavor. This cut is especially prized for its tender, juicy texture. Our chefs suggest medium-rare for this delicious cut, which will allow all the flavors to come through.
Our USDA Prime bone-in ribeyes are beautiful steaks, with more complexity than boneless ribeye cuts. The bone helps insulate the meat, allowing it to remain juicy and moist as it cooks. Grilled bone-in ribeye frequently requires a highly-skilled chef to achieve the perfect level of doneness.
Kansas City Strip steaks are one of the different types of steak cut from the larger end of the strip loin primal. New York strip steak is boneless, while the Kansas City cut is frequently served with a bone. This cut is essentially a bone-in New York strip steak with a large portion of the tenderloin or filet attached.
Leaving the bone attached during the cooking process releases delicious flavors you may not get with the boneless variation, which is why the Kansas City bone-in strip is so popular with many steak lovers today.
Bavette steaks are a cut of flank steak that comes from the lower chest area or abdomen of a cow. Food critics regard bavette as a fantastic cut of meat that holds up to flavorful seasonings and toppings. Because this cut comes from one of the most highly-used sections of the cow, bavette steaks are exceptionally tender.
Some people refer to bavette steak as butcher's cut in local butcher shops. After all, butchers often save the finest cuts for their own table.
Looking for a great steak or try different types of steak? Mac's Chophouse is the premier steak restaurants Marietta Square has to offer. Our award-winning USDA Prime steaks are hand-selected and prepared to perfection. Make reservations today and discover a stepped-up steak experience on the Marietta Square.